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Tags and Frames
`tags` Properties


Returns ID3v2 TIT2 or ID3v1 title or an empty string

Type: string


Returns ID3v2 TPE1 or ID3v1 artist or an empty string

Type: string


Returns ID3v2 TALB or ID3v1 album or an empty string

Type: string


Returns ID3v2 TYER or TDRC or ID3v1 year or an empty string

Type: string


Returns ID3v2 COMM or ID3v1 comment or an empty string

Type: string


Returns ID3v2 TRCK or ID3v1 track or an empty string

Type: string


Returns ID3v2 TCON or ID3v1 genre or an empty string

Type: string


Contains all ID3v1 tags. Please refer below

Type: object | undefined


ID3v1 tag details object containing the size and version

Type: object | undefined


Contains all ID3v2 tags. Please refer below

Type: object | undefined


ID3v2 tag details object containing the size, flags, and version

Type: object | undefined
`tags.v1` ID3v1 Frames


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string
`tags.v2` ID3v2 Frames
Submit an issue Note: ID3v2 Frames that are not mentioned here are not currently supported. Feel free to submit an issue!
Note: All string-typed frames are separated by '\\' and should not contain newline characters.
Note: If strict mode is enabled, all languages must follow ISO 639-2.

Text information frames

ID: "T000" - "TZZZ" excluding TXXX
Type: string
Some of these frames have its own standards but are only applicable if the strict mode is enabled.
Set frames such as "TPOS" and "TRCK" should follow this format: '1/2' or just '1' and can be separated '1/2\\1'.
Time frames at ID3v2.3.0 such as "TDAT", "TIME", "TORY", and "TYER" should have 4 numerical characters.
Time frames at ID3v2.4.0 such as "TDEN", "TDOR", "TDRC", "TDRL", and "TDTG" should follow this format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (year, "-", month, "-", day, "T", hour (out of 24), ":", minutes, ":", seconds), but the precision may be reduced by removing as many time indicators as wanted. Hence valid timestamps are yyyy, yyyy-MM, yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy-MM-ddTHH, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm, and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.
"TKEY" frame is represented as a string with a maximum length of three characters. The ground keys are represented with "A","B","C","D","E", "F" and "G" and halfkeys represented with "b" and "#". Minor is represented as "m". Example "Cbm". Off key is represented with an "o" only.
"TSRC" frame should have 12 alphanumeric characters.

User defined text information frame

Type: object[]
TXXX frames are parsed and must be saved as an array
      description: 'Text description',
      text: 'Any string here'

URL frames

ID: "W000" - "WZZZ" excluding WXXX
Type: string
If strict mode is enabled, all URLs are checked if its a valid URL. The current RegExp used is /^(https?):\/\/[^\s/$.?#]+\.[^\s]*/

User defined URL link frame

Type: object[]
WXXX frames are parsed and must be saved as an array
      description: 'URL description',
      url: ''

Comment and Unsynchronised lyrics frames

Type: object[]
COMM and USLT frames are parsed and must be saved as an array. If the strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same language and content descriptor.
      language: 'eng',
      descriptor: 'Content description',
      text: 'Lyrics or comment goes here'

Attached picture frame

Type: object[]
APIC frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same content descriptor, types should be in range of 0 - 21, format should be a valid MIME type (/(image\/[a-z0-9!#$&.+\-^_]+){0,129}/), and description should not exceed 64 characters.
      format: 'image/jpeg',                // Image MIME
      type: 3,                             // See the APIC image types at
      description: 'Content description',
      data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]       // Image bytes

Involved People List frame

Type: string
IPLS frame is parsed and must be saved as a string

General encapsulated object frame

Type: object[]
GEOB frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same content descriptor.
      format: 'application/octet-stream',  // Object MIME
      filename: 'filename.bin',
      description: 'Content description',
      object: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]  // Object bytes

Unique file identifier frame

Type: object[]
UFID frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same Owner Identifier and it must be a non-empty string, and ID bytelength must not exceed 64 bytes.
      ownerId: '', // Non-empty owner ID
      id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]                      // Binary identifier

Terms of use frame

Type: object
USER frame is parsed and must be saved as an object.
    language: 'eng',
    text: 'Text'

Ownership frame

Type: object
OWNE frame is parsed and must be saved as an object. If strict mode is enabled, date must match the format YYYYMMDD, currencyCode must be encoded with ISO 4217, and the currencyPrice must follow the format N.nn.
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    currencyPrice: '2.00',
    date: '20200424',       // YYYYMMDD date format
    seller: 'Seller'        // Seller's name

Play Count frame

Type: string
PCNT frame is parsed and must be saved as a numerical string

Popularimeter frame

Type: object[]
POPM frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same email
      email: '',
      rating: 255,                // 0 is unknown, 1 is worst, and 255 is best ratings
      counter: 0                  // number of times the user played this

Private frame

Type: object[]
PRIV frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same data.
      ownerId: 'owner string',
      data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] // Data bytes

Relative Volume Adjustment frame

Type: object
RVAD frame is only available in ID3v2.3.0. RVAD frame is parsed and must be saved as an object.
    bitsvolume: 16,
    incdec: {
      right: true,
      left: true,
      rightback: false,
      leftback: false,
      center: false,
      bass: false
    volumechange: {
      right: [0, 1],
      left: [0, 1],
      rightback: [],
      leftback: [],
      center: [],
      bass: []
    peakvolume: {
      right: [0, 1],
      left: [0, 1],
      rightback: [],
      leftback: [],
      center: [],
      bass: []

Relative Volume Adjustment 2 frame

Type: object
RVA2 frame is only available in ID3v2.4.0. RVAD frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same identification string.
    identification: 'identification',
    channels: [{
      type: 1,
      volumeadjust: 16,
      bitspeak: 16,
      peakvolume: [0, 1]

Signature frame

Type: object[]
SIGN frame is only available in ID3v2.4.0. SIGN frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, all frames must be unique.
      group: 1,
      signature: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] // Signature bytes

Synchronised lyrics/text frame

Type: object[]
SYLT frame is parsed and must be saved as an array. If strict mode is enabled, there should only one frame with the same language and content descriptor, language must be encoded with ISO 639-2, type should be in range of 0 - 6, format should be either 1 or 2, and lyrics must follow the format for each line: [] String to display during the time
      language: 'eng',
      format: 1,
      type: 1,
      descriptor: 'Descriptions',
      lyrics: '[] Synced lyrics'

  // OR

      language: 'eng',
      format: 1,
      type: 1,
      descriptor: 'Descriptions',
      data: [
        { line: 'LINE1', time: 200 },
        { line: 'LINE2', time: 10000 },
        { line: 'LINE3', time: 2000000 }

Music CD identifier frame

Type: object
MCDI frame is parsed and must be saved as an object.
    data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] // Binary bytes

Synchronised tempo codes frame

Type: object
SYTC frame is parsed and must be saved as an object. If strict mode is enabled, format must be either 1 or 2.
    format: 1,
    data: [
      { bpm: 0, time: 200 },
      { bpm: 130, time: 10000 },
      { bpm: 260, time: 2000000 }

Event timing codes frame

Type: object
ETCO frame is parsed and must be saved as an object. If strict mode is enabled, format must be either 1 or 2.
    format: 1,
    data: [
      { event: 0, time: 200 },
      { event: 130, time: 10000 },
      { event: 260, time: 2000000 }